Equipment Loans

Everything you need to build it, fix it, cook it - and more.

Our financing features:

  • Fixed rates
  • Flexible repayment terms
  • Personal attention from experienced lenders

Financial fuel to power your company's progress

Machines for factories. Ovens for restaurants. Multi-ton tools for construction contractors. IT hardware for professional offices. In today's world, there are countless types of business equipment. At NorthCountry, we take pride in providing flexible financing for whatever it takes to get the job done.

  • Financing for new and used business equipment
  • Fixed-rate loans with competitive rates
  • Flexible repayment periods help you control your cash flow
  • Refinancing available
  • Personal assistance from knowledgeable commercial lenders


Here's what people are saying ...

"I started with NorthCountry when I was first out of high school and bought my first pickup to start my business. I went back a year later and asked for a business loan and it was the only bank that would believe in me enough to give me the loan. When a motor blew on our main machine during the time when we stock up inventory and money was tight, I called NorthCountry and they were able to help me pay for a new motor so I could move forward. They have helped fund all the growing I've done over the years." -- Taylor Johnson, Taylor J. Johnson Wood Sales & Services